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Hartron DEO Exam Free Mock Test 7
Hartron DEO Exam Free Mock Test 7 : अगर किसी भी स्टूडेंट को HARTRON डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर के रिटेन एग्जाम की तैयारी करनी है तो उसके लिए हमारे पास स्पेशल पीडीऍफ़ है। जिसमे आपको एग्जाम में पूछे जाने वाले Questions की टॉपिक वाइज Series मिलेगी। एग्जाम में पूछे जाने वाले सभी Questions उसी PDF में से आएँगे। अगर आपको भी पीडीऍफ़ चाहिए है तो आप हमसे WhatsaApp पर सम्पर्क कर सकते है। Free Mock Test 7 आपको नीचे देखने को मिलेंगे जिसकी कोई भी फीस नहीं है और एग्जाम में प्रशन इसी Mock Test से आएँगे, तो आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा इसको शेयर करें।
241 Cc stands for
242 A collection of information, that a Web site can leave on the computer for later access
243 Method by which single article could be posted to multiple newsgroup
244 An arrangement to interconnect different ISPs
245 Computer connected on the Internet are referred to as
246 E-Commerce stands for
247 B2C stands for
248 EDI stands for
249 Tool that sends a small piece of data to a different computer
250 URL stands for
251 HTML stands for
252 CSS stands for
253 Front Page is product of
254 Pagemill is product of
255 Who introduced the frames to divide the browser window into sub-windows
256 MIME stands for
257 FTP stands for
258 Facility that allows a netizen to talk to a vast number of fellow netizens simultaneously
259 Programme that indicates information about last logged in, last accessed mail etc.
260 Modem stands for
261 ISDN stands for
262 Two types of modems are
263 Transmission Speed could be defined as
264 Websites which contain links to many other websites depending on the typed of information required
265 Two types of portals are
266 W3C stands for
267 W3C was created in
268 An ISO standard for designing web page
269 SGML stands for
270 Bookmark is also called
271 Picture files are to be transmitted in the format
272 Online discussion with people all over the world on different topics
273 The computer whose data /programs have to accessed
274 A terminal emulation protocol that enables to log in remotely to other computers on the Internet, using a command line interface
275 Connection between two devices
276 For telnet default port no. is
277 A graphics text or HTML file sent with an e-mail message
278 A major network connection that carries the primary network traffic
279 The storage area on a computer that contains copies of original data, so that the computer doesn’t have to go to remote server to get information every time, it is requested
280 Data is made up of a series of 0s and 1s that are grouped in unique sequences
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