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Hartron DEO Exam Free Mock Test 6
Hartron DEO Exam Free Mock Test 6 : अगर किसी भी स्टूडेंट को HARTRON डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर के रिटेन एग्जाम की तैयारी करनी है तो उसके लिए हमारे पास स्पेशल पीडीऍफ़ है। जिसमे आपको एग्जाम में पूछे जाने वाले Questions की टॉपिक वाइज Series मिलेगी। एग्जाम में पूछे जाने वाले सभी Questions उसी PDF में से आएँगे। अगर आपको भी पीडीऍफ़ चाहिए है तो आप हमसे WhatsaApp पर सम्पर्क कर सकते है। Free Mock Test 6 आपको नीचे देखने को मिलेंगे जिसकी कोई भी फीस नहीं है और एग्जाम में प्रशन इसी Mock Test से आएँगे, तो आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा इसको शेयर करें।
201 If you click on the Undo button
202 The contents of the Clipboard remain the same until
203 Using Microsoft Word’s Find and Replace feature you can –
204 In order to help us entre frequently used text in an efficient and accurate manner; Microsoft Word offers us two special features. They are;
205 You will probably use Borders where
206 While using the Mail Merge Helper you click on the active window button. This selection creates
207 A data source is made up of
208 To make a field name in a data source one of the following is not permitted
209 When you create a wizard
210 After you create a document, you may need to
211 You can print a document
212 To preserve any changes gto the document currentlhy displayed on your screen, you should
213 The horizontal ruler provides features you can use to
214 Which of the following special characters can be used in a filename?
215 If you change a documentand then try to close the Word application, the Word will
216 Word inserts a formula as
217 To align numbers with the same number of decimal points in a table column
218 Which of the following formatting options is notavailable on the Tables and Borders toolbar?
219 In print preview you can
220 The Magnifier button
221 The Select Object Browse button is located
222 Gives a Web Server limited access to other programmes or data on the computer
223 The addressing protocol that enables computers hooked to the Internet to find each other
224 To change the appearance of data using a logical formula to protect the data’s integrity
225 The portion of the Internet that contains Gopher sites
226 When conducting an Internet search on the Web, each result of a particular search is called
227 An organization or company that enables users access to the Internet
228 The first Web browser, written by Andreessen
229 The position of being disconnected from a network
230 POP stands for
231 A listing of items in the order, they arrived
232 The text that has formatting instructions is
233 Any computer that delivers (serves) information and data
234 SMTP stands for
235 Any mass-mailed material meant for self-promotion, advertisement, or pure silliness
236 An HTML document, that can be browsed and edited
237 A folder containing unwanted message that can be emptied, when specified by the user
238 Veronica stands for
239 A collection of Web documents, that usually consists of a home page and several related pages
240 Reading a newsgroup without posting to it
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