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Hartron DEO Exam Free Mock Test 12

Hartron DEO Exam Free Mock Test 12 : अगर किसी भी स्टूडेंट को HARTRON डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर के रिटेन एग्जाम की तैयारी करनी है तो उसके लिए हमारे पास स्पेशल पीडीऍफ़ है। जिसमे आपको एग्जाम में पूछे जाने वाले Questions की टॉपिक वाइज Series मिलेगी। एग्जाम में पूछे जाने वाले सभी Questions उसी PDF में से आएँगे। अगर आपको भी पीडीऍफ़ चाहिए है तो आप हमसे WhatsaApp पर सम्पर्क कर सकते है। Free Mock Test 12 आपको नीचे देखने को मिलेंगे जिसकी कोई भी फीस नहीं है और एग्जाम में प्रशन इसी Mock Test से आएँगे, तो आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा इसको शेयर करें

441 Which kind of storage device can be carried around ?

Answer is D)

442 Which of the following people probably has the least amoutn of technical knowledge ?

Answer is B)

443 Which of the following devices allows the user to add components and capabilities to a computer system ?

Answer is D)

444 Which of the following terms applies to communication between separate comoputer systems ?

Answer is D)

445 People typically interface with a computer-based system when:

Answer is D)

446 The following typically happens in the output phase of a computer-based information system:

Answer is B)

447 Which of the following best describes a computer-based information system ?

Answer is A)

448 Which of the following is an example processing activities ?

Answer is D)

449 Which of the following pieces of hardsare is used the most in the input phase of a computer-based information system ?

Answer is D)

450 Which of the following is not a factor when categorizing a computer ?

Answer is D)

451 Which of the following might occur when an organization uses on-line processing ?

Answer is B)

452 software instructions intended to satisfy a user’s specific processing needs are called ________

Answer is D)

453 The principal advantage of the centralised approach to organizing a computer facility is :

Answer is D)

454 Which of the following isn’t used in the storage phase of a computer based information system ?

Answer is B)

455 The person contributing the idea of the stored program was

Answer is A)

456 Transistorized computer circuit were introduced in the

Answer is B)

457 The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was

Answer is C)

458 The “Father of Punched Card Processing” was

Answer is D)

459 The punched card used in IBM System/3 contains

Answer is C)

460 First integrated circuit chip was developed by

Answer is C)

461 The main distinguishing features of fifth generatin digital computers will be

Answer is B)

462 Mark the WRONG statement

Answer is D)

463 Which of the following statements best describes the batch method of input ?

Answer is C)

464 What is the name of the structured design technique that uses meetings to review programming logic?

Answer is C)

465 Instructions for execution by a computer are given in ……… language.

Answer is C)

466 A program written in machine language is called …… Program

Answer is B)

467 A source program is the program written in ………. Language

Answer is C)

468 The use of a computer to get information from a data bank is called

Answer is C)

469 A ADU is used as

Answer is D)

470 A computer program consists of

Answer is C)

471 Hexadecimal numbers are a mixture of

Answer is B)

472 Which of the following is a high-level language?

Answer is D)

473 The language that doesn’t require the user to learn a specific vocabulary or syntax is:

Answer is A)

474 The input code of the compiler as well as assembler is called

Answer is C)

475 Which of the following is the most powerful type of computer

Answer is D)

476 In a compiler organization, what is the designation of a person who prepares data for computer input using either floppy disks or optical scanning sheets or video display terminals?

Answer is C)

477 The counting board in which numbers are represented asbeads strung on wires is commonyl called abacus. By what name is it known in Japan

Answer is B)

478 What is the name of the program coding that is unnecessarily complex and difficult to follow?

Answer is B)

479 Which of the following is not an advantage of stored programs ?

Answer is B)

480 All of the following are examples of input devices except:

Answer is A)

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