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Hartron DEO Exam Free Mock Test 16
Hartron DEO Exam Free Mock Test 16 : अगर किसी भी स्टूडेंट को HARTRON डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर के रिटेन एग्जाम की तैयारी करनी है तो उसके लिए हमारे पास स्पेशल पीडीऍफ़ है। जिसमे आपको एग्जाम में पूछे जाने वाले Questions की टॉपिक वाइज Series मिलेगी। एग्जाम में पूछे जाने वाले सभी Questions उसी PDF में से आएँगे। अगर आपको भी पीडीऍफ़ चाहिए है तो आप हमसे WhatsaApp पर सम्पर्क कर सकते है। Free Mock Test 16 आपको नीचे देखने को मिलेंगे जिसकी कोई भी फीस नहीं है और एग्जाम में प्रशन इसी Mock Test से आएँगे, तो आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा इसको शेयर करें।
601 The only language which is machine specific and which a computer understand directly is called
602 Compilers and interpreters are themselves
603 What is the name of the output from either a compiler or an assembler
604 Whereas a higher level language could remain the same from one computer to another, each computer requires its own
605 A characteristic of card system is :
606 Advances in computer hardware and software are generally classified into generations. We are currentrly in which generation
607 The field name assigned to card fields should
608 Which of the following was (were) not used in first-generation computers ?
609 Which of the followings was not associated with second-generation computers ?
610 The card type that requires you to return a portion of it with payment is the:
611 A five-digit card field used for postal ZIP codes is defined as :
612 The gangpunching of cards is performed on the:
613 What is the name of the computer programming language which is widely used in computer science and engineering as well as business?
614 Which of the following fields in a student file can be used as a primary key ?
615 The very small and cheap computer build in to many home deveices is called ____ computer
616 The advantages of magnetic tape include all of the following except:
617 Currently the most popular from of secondary storage is:
618 Which of the following is an example of nonvolatile memory ?
619 __________ can be programmed one time by either the manufacturer or the computer user. Once programmed, it cannot be modified :
620 The CPU can perform read or write operations at any point in time :
621 The parity bit is added for ________ purposes
622 Wompared with secondary storeage, primiary storage, primary storage is :
623 Which file organization is allowed by a direct-access storage device ?
624 Which of the following is used to check for errors in RAM chips ?
625 Which of the following are used to quickly accept, store and transfer data and instructions that are being used immediately by the CPU ?
626 Why is the width of a data bus so important to the processing speed of a computer ?
627 Which of the following is not true of a magnetic disk ?
628 The first mechanical computer designed by Charles Babage was called :
629 The modern abacus which uses small beads strung on conting frames is still being used in some oriental countries like China and Japan, How would you classify this calculator ?
630 Which of the following is true of the digital computers ?
631 Which of the following is not true of primary storage ?
632 The technique of placing software or programs in a ROM semiconductor chip is called :
633 IBM 7000 digital computer
634 Which of the following is not arelational database?
635 Periodically ading, changing and deleting file records is called file
636 A large computer information system maintains many different computer files, Which amongst themis called perpetual file?
637 Which of thefollowng is thefre form data base for IBM and compatible personal computers?
638 Which langauge has recently become the defecate standard for interfacing application progrms with relational database system
639 Embedded pointer provide
640 What is the make given to the database management system whichis able to handle full text data, image data, audio and video?
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